Coaliția PSD-PNL-UDMR ar fi stabilit, sâmbătă, în principiu, data organizării alegerilor prezidențiale. Turul 1 ar putea avea loc pe 23 martie 2025, iar turul 2 pe 6 aprilie 2025. Campania electorală ar putea începe pe 23 februarie 2025, potrivit surselor politice.
The text reports that sources indicate the Ciolacu2 government coalition has tentatively set November 2024 as the date for Romania's presidential elections.
Campaigning could start on February 23, 2025. Additional details include:
* The government plans to finalize and adopt the 2025 budget in early January 2025.
* The budget will require parliamentary approval during an extraordinary session.
* The current government has spent an additional 69 billion lei (3.92% of PIB) in 2024 compared to the initial budget.
The text doesn't specifically state the reason behind the chosen election date.
The text reports that sources indicate the Ciolacu2 government coalition has tentatively set November 2024 as the date for Romania's presidential elections. Campaigning could start on February 23, 2025. Additional details include: * The government plans to finalize and adopt the 2025 budget in early January 2025. * The budget will require parliamentary approval during an extraordinary session. * The current government has spent an additional 69 billion lei (3.92% of PIB) in 2024 compared to the initial budget. The text doesn't specifically state the reason behind the chosen election date.